Catalouge text for the Gothenburg International Biennale for Comtemporary Art 2011
Text: Klas Eriksson & Patrik Haggren
I take an interest in control, power and limitation, through the expressions of performance, video and sculpture. My point of departure is mass-culture, where, employing various strategies, I explore notions of authenticity, power and artistic expression. For the biennial I will do two performances with emphasis on group dynamics and group mentality. One performance will take place on Älvsborgs bridge. 150 participants will at a given signal light flares that are commonly used at football games through outthe world. The performance is titled ”Who are ya?!".
The second performance occurs during the opening party. I will DJ the subculture surrounding brittish football. The sounds played have been transformed from youtube videos into sounds from subcultures on over 250 burned CDs. Viloence, chants, police reports, music and more will be live mixed. The performance, titled ”No One Likes Us – We Dont Care”, has been made before in public squares, galleries and clubs.
I attempt to establish communicative immediacy that is both visually and conceptually innovative. My works often borrow their expressions from popular culture, subculture and various power structures. Other sources of inspiration include: Marina Abramovic & Ulay, Vito Acconci, Judy Chicago, Friedrich Nietzsche, Francis Alÿs, Michel Foucault, Kristin Lucas, Michael Smith and Chantal Mouffe.
edit; The performance "No One Likes Us - We Dont Care" got cancelled due to a bomb threat towards the art hall Röda Sten 2011-09-11.